Biografi president indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo

Posted by Unknown on 2:54 AM in
                                                Biografi president indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo
Ir. H. Joko Widodo who was born in Surakarta, June 21, 1961, better known by the nickname Jokowi are furniture producers and He is the Mayor of Surakarta (Solo) during the 2005-2015 term of office twice. In his tenure, he represented F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo as deputy mayor. At that time, he nominated the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. In 2012, he along with Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. (Ahok) became governor and vice governor of Jakarta and later became President of Indonesia with his deputy Jusuf Kalla.

Biodata Jokowi - Joko Widodo : 

Popular name: JokowiFull Name: Ir. Joko WidodoBorn: Surakarta, June 21, 1961Political parties: Democratic Party of Struggle

Wife: Ny. Hj. Iriana Joko WidodoChildren: Gibran Rakabumi Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, Kaesang PangerapReligion: Islam - Hobby: rock music loversEducational Background:- SDN 111 Tirtoyoso Solo, Solo SMPN 1, SMAN 6 Solo- Alma mater: Faculty of Forestry UGM 1985 graduatesOccupation: Entrepreneur, Exporter Furniture, Mayor of Solo, Jakarta Governor and the President of Indonesia to-7

Small jokowi had felt the bitterness of his home when displaced. Tenement at the same place his father's timber business in the area Cinderejo Lor, evicted and be the center of travel services. The mother said that small Jokowi is the figure of the quiet, but sociable. Jokowi as a person who always succumb to avoid a fight. The attitude inherited from his parents who always taught the meaning of sincere and responsible

Jokowi always walk to school, while the theme of cycling ontel. At that time the school is not too far from home and just walk. Devotion to parents is also demonstrated by the attitude of a number of achievements. When I became Mayor of Solo to become the Governor of Jakarta, people never thought the journey of life Joko small carpenter's son has now become the number one in Indonesia.
After graduating high school and then continued his studies at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Gajah Mada graduating in 1985, he migrated to Aceh and worked in one of the state. He returned to work at the Company's Solo and engaged in the timber, CV. Teak wheel. In 1998 he start his own business capital of experience that. With hard work, perseverance and tenacity, Jokowi finally managed to develop its business and become an exporter of furniture.
Under his leadership, Solo experiencing rapid change. In 2007 Surakarta has also hosted the World Music Festival (FMD) was held at Fort Vastenburg complex that face eviction to be a business and shopping center. Pace continues with the success of Surakarta to host the Conference of the Organization of World Heritage Cities in October 2008. FMD in 2008 was held in Mangkunegaran Palace complex. By Tempo magazine, Joko Widodo was elected as one of "10 People of 2008" *)

that is to say :
                               Ir. H. Joko Widodo yang lahir di Surakarta, 21 Juni 1961 lebih dikenal dengan nama julukan Jokowi adalah pengusaha mebel dan Beliau merupakan Walikota Surakarta (Solo) selama dua kali masa bakti 2005-2015. Dalam masa jabatannya, ia diwakili F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo sebagai wakil walikota. Ketika itu, dia dicalonkan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan. Tahun 2012 ini, Beliau bersama dengan Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. (Ahok) menjadi gubernur dan wakil gubernur DKI Jakarta dan selanjutnya menjadi Presiden Indonesia bersama wakilnya Jusuf Kalla.         
Biodata Jokowi - Joko Widodo : 

Nama Populer : Jokowi
Nama Lengkap : Ir. Joko Widodo
Lahir : Surakarta, 21 Juni 1961
Partai politik : PDI Perjuangan    
                                            Istri : Ny. Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo 
Anak: Gibran Rakabumi Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, Kaesang Pangerap
Agama : Islam - Hobby : Penikmat musik rock
Riwayat Pendidikan : 
- SDN 111 Tirtoyoso Solo, SMPN 1 Solo, SMAN 6 Solo 
- Almamater : Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta lulusan 1985
Pekerjaan : Pengusaha, Eksportir Mebel, Walikota Solo, Gubernur DKI Jakarta dan Presiden Indonesia ke-7
                        Jokowi kecil sempat merasakan pahitnya kehidupan saat rumahnya tergusur. Rumah petak sekaligus tempat usaha kayu ayahnya di daerah Cinderejo Lor, digusur dan dijadikan pusat jasa travel. Sang bunda menuturkan bahwa Jokowi kecil adalah sosok pendiam, namun pandai bergaul. Jokowi sebagai orang yang selalu mengalah untuk menghindari pertengkaran. Sikap tersebut diwarisi dari kedua orangtuanya yang selalu mengajarkan makna ikhlas dan bertanggung jawab.

Jokowi selalu berjalan kaki menuju sekolahnya, disaat temanya bersepeda ontel. Kala itu sekolah tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah dan cukup berjalan kaki. Bakti kepada orangtua ditunjukkan lewat sikap juga sejumlah prestasi. Saat menjadi Walikota Solo hingga menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta, orang tidak pernah menyangka perjalanan hidup Joko kecil anak tukang kayu itu kini menjadi orang nomor satu di Indonesia.   
                        Setelah lulus SMA kemudian melanjutkan kuliah di Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah Mada lulus tahun 1985, dirinya merantau ke Aceh dan bekerja di salah satu BUMN. Ia kembali ke Solo dan bekerja di
semoga bermanfaat buat sahabat blogger berbagi itu indah.trimakasih



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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Biografi president indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo

                                                Biografi president indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo
Ir. H. Joko Widodo who was born in Surakarta, June 21, 1961, better known by the nickname Jokowi are furniture producers and He is the Mayor of Surakarta (Solo) during the 2005-2015 term of office twice. In his tenure, he represented F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo as deputy mayor. At that time, he nominated the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle. In 2012, he along with Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. (Ahok) became governor and vice governor of Jakarta and later became President of Indonesia with his deputy Jusuf Kalla.

Biodata Jokowi - Joko Widodo : 

Popular name: JokowiFull Name: Ir. Joko WidodoBorn: Surakarta, June 21, 1961Political parties: Democratic Party of Struggle

Wife: Ny. Hj. Iriana Joko WidodoChildren: Gibran Rakabumi Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, Kaesang PangerapReligion: Islam - Hobby: rock music loversEducational Background:- SDN 111 Tirtoyoso Solo, Solo SMPN 1, SMAN 6 Solo- Alma mater: Faculty of Forestry UGM 1985 graduatesOccupation: Entrepreneur, Exporter Furniture, Mayor of Solo, Jakarta Governor and the President of Indonesia to-7

Small jokowi had felt the bitterness of his home when displaced. Tenement at the same place his father's timber business in the area Cinderejo Lor, evicted and be the center of travel services. The mother said that small Jokowi is the figure of the quiet, but sociable. Jokowi as a person who always succumb to avoid a fight. The attitude inherited from his parents who always taught the meaning of sincere and responsible

Jokowi always walk to school, while the theme of cycling ontel. At that time the school is not too far from home and just walk. Devotion to parents is also demonstrated by the attitude of a number of achievements. When I became Mayor of Solo to become the Governor of Jakarta, people never thought the journey of life Joko small carpenter's son has now become the number one in Indonesia.
After graduating high school and then continued his studies at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Gajah Mada graduating in 1985, he migrated to Aceh and worked in one of the state. He returned to work at the Company's Solo and engaged in the timber, CV. Teak wheel. In 1998 he start his own business capital of experience that. With hard work, perseverance and tenacity, Jokowi finally managed to develop its business and become an exporter of furniture.
Under his leadership, Solo experiencing rapid change. In 2007 Surakarta has also hosted the World Music Festival (FMD) was held at Fort Vastenburg complex that face eviction to be a business and shopping center. Pace continues with the success of Surakarta to host the Conference of the Organization of World Heritage Cities in October 2008. FMD in 2008 was held in Mangkunegaran Palace complex. By Tempo magazine, Joko Widodo was elected as one of "10 People of 2008" *)

that is to say :
                               Ir. H. Joko Widodo yang lahir di Surakarta, 21 Juni 1961 lebih dikenal dengan nama julukan Jokowi adalah pengusaha mebel dan Beliau merupakan Walikota Surakarta (Solo) selama dua kali masa bakti 2005-2015. Dalam masa jabatannya, ia diwakili F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo sebagai wakil walikota. Ketika itu, dia dicalonkan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan. Tahun 2012 ini, Beliau bersama dengan Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. (Ahok) menjadi gubernur dan wakil gubernur DKI Jakarta dan selanjutnya menjadi Presiden Indonesia bersama wakilnya Jusuf Kalla.         
Biodata Jokowi - Joko Widodo : 

Nama Populer : Jokowi
Nama Lengkap : Ir. Joko Widodo
Lahir : Surakarta, 21 Juni 1961
Partai politik : PDI Perjuangan    
                                            Istri : Ny. Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo 
Anak: Gibran Rakabumi Raka, Kahiyang Ayu, Kaesang Pangerap
Agama : Islam - Hobby : Penikmat musik rock
Riwayat Pendidikan : 
- SDN 111 Tirtoyoso Solo, SMPN 1 Solo, SMAN 6 Solo 
- Almamater : Fakultas Kehutanan UGM Yogyakarta lulusan 1985
Pekerjaan : Pengusaha, Eksportir Mebel, Walikota Solo, Gubernur DKI Jakarta dan Presiden Indonesia ke-7
                        Jokowi kecil sempat merasakan pahitnya kehidupan saat rumahnya tergusur. Rumah petak sekaligus tempat usaha kayu ayahnya di daerah Cinderejo Lor, digusur dan dijadikan pusat jasa travel. Sang bunda menuturkan bahwa Jokowi kecil adalah sosok pendiam, namun pandai bergaul. Jokowi sebagai orang yang selalu mengalah untuk menghindari pertengkaran. Sikap tersebut diwarisi dari kedua orangtuanya yang selalu mengajarkan makna ikhlas dan bertanggung jawab.

Jokowi selalu berjalan kaki menuju sekolahnya, disaat temanya bersepeda ontel. Kala itu sekolah tidak terlalu jauh dari rumah dan cukup berjalan kaki. Bakti kepada orangtua ditunjukkan lewat sikap juga sejumlah prestasi. Saat menjadi Walikota Solo hingga menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta, orang tidak pernah menyangka perjalanan hidup Joko kecil anak tukang kayu itu kini menjadi orang nomor satu di Indonesia.   
                        Setelah lulus SMA kemudian melanjutkan kuliah di Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Gajah Mada lulus tahun 1985, dirinya merantau ke Aceh dan bekerja di salah satu BUMN. Ia kembali ke Solo dan bekerja di
semoga bermanfaat buat sahabat blogger berbagi itu indah.trimakasih


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